3x09 Witch Hunt

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view post Posted on 4/10/2007, 07:46

Il titolo vuol dire martello del diavolo o delle streghe

TAMMI BENTON] quasi sui 30, sexy, un affabile donna membro di un trio di "streghe della cucina". Apparentemente il membro più innocuo del trio, Tammi è in realtà un demone, che ha preso la forma umana per aiutare a preparare la strada per un nuovo Re Demone.

[RENEE VAN ALLEN] sui 30 anni, di bell'aspetto, Renee è la seconda delle "streghe della cucina" e pensa erroneamente che lei è il leader. Una creatura boriosa

[ELIZABETH] una donna molto attraente quasi sui 40, è il terzo membro delle "streghe della cucina". La più apprezzabile dei tre membri. Elizaceth è un po' debole, ma realizza che il suo comportamento è stranamente fuori controllo

Edited by Elerel - 4/10/2007, 11:28
view post Posted on 4/10/2007, 07:58

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


Sembra davvero interessante. Il titolo dovrebbe significare qualcosa tipo "Il martello delle streghe"; 'maleficae-arum' indica le streghe.
Hehehe... Mi sa che vedremo la versione malvagia delle sorelle Halliwell! :lol:
Su Wikipedia ho trovato delle interessanti notizie su cosa sia il Malleus Maleficarum.
Cliccate QUI

Edited by Aisha81 - 4/10/2007, 09:28
view post Posted on 4/10/2007, 10:29

uhm spero solo che non sia un episodio comico... da quel che ho letto temo qualcosa alla hollywood babilon, che francamente non mi è piaciuto :P
view post Posted on 5/10/2007, 06:01

il titolo dell'episodio sarà Witch Hunt

view post Posted on 5/10/2007, 07:07

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


Questi sono i sides che, per ora, sono stati pubblicati:

Sides for Tammi, Renee, and Elizabeth Part One: Episode 309: Witch Hunt

Ext. Suburban Home – Day

Amanda, 30, prim, on the cute side of plain, closes her car door, grocery bag in her arm, hurries up her drive.

Her neighbor Elizabeth, late 20s, attractive, tends a small garden between their houses. Elizabeth’s husband replaces a lawn mower blade in the near BG. She looks up, sees Amanda.

Elizabeth: Amanda—?

Amanda continues bustling, in her own world.

Elizabeth: Hey, Amanda!

Amanda: Oh, Elizabeth… (nervous laugh) Hi. Sorry. Got like a thousand things on my mind.

She is about to bustle on when Elizabeth presses her, a note of concern in her voice:

Elizabeth: Are you OK, sweetie? You didn’t come to Book Club last night.

Amanda cocks her head with an apologetic sigh.

Amanda: Sorry. I was going to call. I just needed some ‘me’ time. You know? (as she hurries off) But I’m OK. Really, I am.

On Elizabeth – as she watches her friend go.

Int. Amanda’s House – Day

Amanda enters, heads to the kitchen, her expression growing dark, focused. We notice a bandage on one hand. We hear the buzzing of flies.

Amanda goes to the oven. Its door is open, flies buzz around it, incessant. She reaches in, pulls out a platter with a rotted half-chicken on it, ringed in wilted garnish. Once a fine meal, now a week past its prime.

(Pages Skip)

Dean: Another hex bag? (Sam nods) So this is what, a hit? Some kind of witch-on-witch violence—?

Sam nods, looks at the hex bag, crunching numbers.

Sam: And using the exact same weapons. (intuits, looks to Dean) Sort of feels like… in-fighting, doesn’t it?

Dean: (processing) In-fighting. You think we got a coven on our hands?

Off the boys, weighing the question—

Int. Renee’s House – Night

Close on a coffee table – as a tea tray is laid on it with three cups. Widen to see two upscale suburban women, Renee [early 30s, patrician good looks] and Tammi [late 20s, blonde, affable but vapid]. Renee sits back from the tea service she just put down and both women’s eyes look to:

Renee’s husband – who’s just pocketing his wallet, phone [in a belt holster], and keys, about to go. He feels their look and turns to them with a genial hubby chuckle.

Husband: All right. I’m going.

He walks past them, kisses Renee’s head on his way out.

Husband: I’m not fooled by your (air quotes) ‘Book Club’ by the way. I know what you ladies get up to when I’m gone. It’s all dish and gossip.

He opens the front door to see Elizabeth standing there, struggling to keep a fixed smile.

Elizabeth: Hi, Ron.

Husband: Oh, hello, Elizabeth. (turns back to ladies) I mean when’s the last time any of you brought a book?

Renee and Tammi nod him out with empty, patient smiles.

Renee/Tammi: Good night, Ron.

Elizabeth enters as he exits and closes the door. Now Tammi and Renee’s easy evening aspect changes. Tammi hustles to the curtains, pulling them shut. Renee goes to a sideboard—

Elizabeth watches their preparations, growing visibly upset.

Elizabeth: Renee? Tammi? What are we going to do?

From the sideboard, Renee pulls a large, very old leather tome, a demonic symbol tattooed on its cover.

Renee: Do? What can we do?

Tammi zips in by her, takes two candelabras, ferries off.

Renee: Thank you, Tammi.

Elizabeth: Amanda killed herself! The police just took away her body. Are we going to pretend it didn’t happen?

Renee: We loved Amanda. You know that.

Tammi: It’s true.

Elizabeth watches as they turn the coffee table into an altar, laying out cloth and artifacts, placing the book at its center.

Renee: But we knew that she was, well, obsessive—unstable…

Tammi: Also true.

The way Renee and Tammi arrange the ceremonial objects on the altar reminds us of setting out a Thanksgiving spread.

Renee: Her obsession with Paul sent her over the brink. She killed the man’s wife, didn’t she?

Tammi: (earnest nod) People don’t just spit out all their teeth all of a sudden.

Elizabeth sakes her head slowly, voice trembling:

Elizabeth: We have to stop. We have to stop Book Club. This has all gone too far—

Renee’s thin ‘everything’s for the best’ smile is unflappable—think Nurse Ratchett talking Billy into suicide.

Renee: Why would we stop? Think for second, Elizabeth.

She and Tammi kneel at the coffee table. Tammi gushes:

Tammi: We can’t stop.

Elizabeth: But people are dying—!

Renee: Amanda killed herself. Yes. And yes, she killed Janet Dutton. Awful business, of course. But that’s all over now. (eyes lock on Elizabeth’s) You know Amanda was a danger. To others. To us. I think we should be thankful she was a problem that solved itself.

Elizabeth looks away. Renee pushes, eyes now lit with the inspiration of their recent breakthroughs.

Renee: Elizabeth, we’ve found it. The real power of positive thinking. The power of us, working together—Think about everything our affirmations have gotten us. Your husband’s promotion? That Hawaii trip you won? The new car? Or what about me? My home pottery business is finally taking off. You want me to just ‘stop’?

Elizabeth’s resolve sags under Renee’s even-keeled pressure.

Renee: Do you want to stop?

Elizabeth realizes she still craves the power they’ve found. Renee reads this, smiles warmly—now everything is in its right place again. Tidy. She nods, holds her hand out.

Renee: That’s right. Come on now—

Elizabeth takes it, kneels at the altar next to Renee. All three join hands round the big old book. In unison:

Women: Book of Shadows, we kneel before you. Let us serve your Master as you serve us…

Off Elizabeth chanting, expression still troubled—

Ext. Elizabeth’s House – Day

Close on soil – a garden trowel digs into the rich earth, turning up several pink worms.

Wider – It’s Elizabeth, tending her herb garden. As she does, a pair of shadows fall over her.

Sam (O.S): You must have a green thumb.

She looks up, squinting in the Sun.

Elizabeth: Excuse me?

Sam and Dean loom over her, back in their suits.

Sam: To get those herbs to grow out of season like that. (smiles amiably) Sorry. I’m Detective Bachman, this is Detective Turner.

They flash police badges.

Dean: Hiya.

Sam: We’re just following up on Amanda Burns’ death, talking to her neighbors, that kind of thing.

Elizabeth tries to keep her flush of alarm under raps. Throughout the interview we sense thinly veiled nerves.

Elizabeth: But—Wasn’t it—I mean Amanda killed herself, right?

Sam: Maybe.

Dean: We heard you were friends with the deceased. Is that correct?

Elizabeth: Sure.

Dean: Were you aware that she was deeply involved in occult practices?

This hits her like a brick, though she tries to hide it.

Elizabeth: What?

Sam: her home was littered with occult paraphernalia. It appears she took part in some sort of Devil worship.

Elizabeth: No. That can’t—She was an Episcopalian!

Dean: (‘if you say so’) Well then we’re pretty sure she was using the wrong bible, ma’am.

Elizabeth is a deer in their casual headlight—until:

Renee (O.S): Elizabeth? Are you all right?

Sam and Dean turn to see Renee and Tammi behind them. As Elizabeth talks, the women move in to flank her, Renee all but shielding her from the boys.

Elizabeth: I’m fine… Renee, these are… detectives. They say Amanda was—That she was involved in practices—

Velvet manners over steel: Renee takes over the situation.

Renee: I’m sorry, detectives. You can see that Elizabeth is upset. It’s been a hard for all of us, to accept what Amanda did.

Tammi: Yeah, I mean, you think you know a person.

Dean: I guess everyone has a few secrets. (turns to Renee, casual) Anyway, we understand what a shock something like this can be, Miss—

Dean leaves a blank for her to fill, and she does so with studied unimpeachability.

Renee: Mrs. Renee. Van. Allen. Would you like me to spell it?

Dean: I’ll get by, thanks.

Tammi: Oh. And Tammi Benton. Hi.

Dean: Well, thanks. We’ll contact you if we need more information.

Sam and Dean make their exit, walk off. Tammi waves after them, brightly:

(Pages Skip)

Sam: (almost to himself) This coven is doing this, kill the coven. Should break the spell.

Sam heads for the door. Dean can barely call after him—

Dean: Sam? No—What if Ruby’s telling the truth? What if there is a demon—?

Sam stalks out, on his grave mission.

Dean: Sam—!

Ext. Rural Suburb Road – Night

The Impala roars down the road. [What would be great is if it gained into the center of the frame of fast moving night road, a bit of under-light cheating Sam, so we can see him bent at the wheel, in his own way demonic.]

Int. Impala – Night

Sam behind the wheel, eyes locked on the road, jaw set. This isn’t Sam. This is Sam.

Int. Renee’s House – Night

The door is kicked wide open, and Sam storms in, Colt up, an avenging mountain of rage and violent will.

Renee, Tammi, and Elizabeth look up from their altar, stunned. Candles are lit, ceremonial objects arrayed—they are mid-ritual.

Renee: My God! What are you doing?

Sam roars, gun on Renee’s head as he strides into the room.


Renee: What?! Let who—? (As Sam stalks forward) You’re insane! Get out—

Sam: If you know about me, then you know about this gun. (cocks the Colt) You’re killing my brother. Stop the spell or die.

Sides for Tammi, Renee, and Elizabeth Part Two: Episode 309: Witch Hunt

Int. Motel Room – Night

Dean, on the floor, hacking his life out. Blood spatters the carpet before him. Footsteps approach from outside. Dean strains to look up—

Dean’s POV on the door—bleary; it is kicked in off its hinges.

Ruby marches in, eyes fierce—she grabs Dean by the scruff, lifts him off the floor like a kitten, slams him against the wall.

Heroically, he gasps out his last words:

Dean: You wanna kill me—? Get in line, b*tch.

She grabs his face in a vice grip, forcing his jaw open. Dean gags, struggles—Ruby lifts up a small leather flagon and squeezes a thick jet of liquid hell into Dean’s mouth.

He gurgles, forced to choke it down. Then she drops him to the floor.

Power shot—up at Ruby, as she issues a low growl:

Ruby: Stop calling me a b*tch.

Int. Renee’s House – Night

Sam scrutinizes the panicking women.

Elizabeth: What!? We’re not killing anybody—

Renee: We don’t know your brother—

He marches closer, gun up.

Sam: Shut up! You know him! Now call it off!

The women start screaming—Tammi lifts up two clutched handfuls of banking documents, shakes them up at Sam, emphatic:

Tammi: Don’t kill us! (honestly) We’re just getting Renee a lower mortgage rate—!

Sam holds the gun on them; they protest, his mind races—

Int. Motel Room – Night

Dean is recovering, barely up on one knee, dragging a sleeve across his mouth.

Ruby rifles through one of their duffel bags, sees he’s come back around.

Ruby: Next time you point that gun at me, I’m not just going to disappear. Understand?

Dean: (croaks out) It’s a date…

He staggers to his feet, coughing, trying to get the taste of Ruby’s elixir out of his mouth. He realizes, with distaste:

Dean: You saved my life.

Ruby: Don’t mention it.

Dean: But how—?

Ruby shoves one of their shotguns into his hands.

Ruby: I know a thing or two about witchcraft. OK?

She turns and walks out.

Dean, though still weak from his ordeal, cocks his head, follows her out—it’s a weird night.

Int. Renee’s House – Night

Their protests sound sincere. Sam nods, teeth gritted.

Sam: OK… Maybe it isn’t you. Or you.

He swings the gun off Renee, on to Tammi.

Sam: Maybe it’s you.

Tammi now cries at Sam’s gun point, a convincing mix of fear and confusion.

Tammi: I don’t even know what he’s talking about! What are you talking about?!

Sam: Everyone in your little coven, you’ve all had runs of good, I mean, news worthy good fortune. All of you, except Tammi. (Tammi sobs, scared) Why is that? You didn’t want anything for yourself? Or were you already getting what you wanted. Like these women’s souls?

The question hands over Tammi, who gives ‘quivering human woman’ one more shot, stammering through sobs—

Tammi: I don’t—I’m not—You can’t—

Sam shakes his head, slow, certain. She sees he ain’t buying it. The jig up, Tammi sights, and her eyes go black.

Tammi: Nice d*ck-work, Magnum.

Sam: (fierce) Let my brother go.

Tammi gives him a compassionate look.

Tammi: I’m sorry, sweetheart. But your brother’s lungs have to be on the floor by now.

With a slight nod, and his world crashing, Sam fires the Colt.

The bullet screams through the air at Tammi’s head, but she raises her hand—

The bullet freezes in mid-air. Demon Tammi smiles.

Tammi: You’re in a lot of trouble, Sam.

Black out!

End of Act Three

Act Four

Int. Renee’s House – Night

Tammi nods and Sam sails back, pressed against a wall by a wave of demonic force—his arms and legs are pinned by it—he struggles as Tammi walks over.

Elizabeth and Renee are freaking.

Elizabeth: Tammi—what’s wrong with your eyes? What’s happening?

Renee gets up, the last vestige of her type-A personality forcing her, absurdly, to try to reign in the situation.

Renee: Tammi, stop it—Stop it right now!

Tammi: Renee, shut your painted hole.

Tammi turns away, walks on. Renee grabs at her shoulder.

Renee: What? I will not—You can’t—In my house! Tammi Benton—

Angle past Tammi in the FG, seething at Renee’s touch. After months with Renee, it’s more than demon-Tammi can take.

Renee: I will not tolerate this—this—

With a sigh she raises her hands, doing a casual pantomime of a twisting action.

Renee’s head spins backward with a wet-celery crackle. She drops like 115 pounds of bricks.

Elizabeth: (screams)

On Sam – as he struggles against Tammi-Demon’s telekinetic bondage. No use. He can’t even speak.

Elizabeth begins to shriek and sob. Tammi turns to her, offers some friendly advice.

Tammi: Shhh. Lizzie. Don’t make me do it to you, too.

Elizabeth: Wh-who are you--?

Tammi: (chuckles lightly) Funny story, actually. Remember when we prayed to the Master? To Astaroth? When we asked him for power, and influence, and swore our servitude? (how stupid can you get?) Just who do you think Astaroth is?

Elizabeth: (sobbing in terror) No…No…

Tammi: you think this was make-believe? Hocus-Pocus? You sold yourself, you cow. (hint of relish) And it was so easy. All I had to do was bring one good book to Book Club and you ladies lined up to kiss my a$$ and use my power…

Elizabeth pleads weakly, just wants the last three months back—

Elizabeth: We didn’t know--

Tammi’s good humor is gilt with a snarl.

Tammi: You did. You knew it was wrong, baby. Every step of the way. And now your souls are mine.

Creep back from Elizabeth – as the truth, the reality in those words sinks in. Sold. Her. Soul.

Next item on docket—Tammi turns to Sam, brightly:

Tammi: Comments? Questions?

She makes a small gesture, freeing Sam to speak, although he’s still hovering frozen in the air, a foot or two off the floor. Cold and quiet:

Sam: I’m going to kill you.

Sides for Tammi, Renee, and Elizabeth Part Three: Episode 309: Witch Hunt

Tammi: (amused) You and what army, Sam?

Sam struggles to no avail.

Tammi: Sam Winchester. Wow. Right here in our little town—A lot of my friends have been looking for you.

Sam: (sick of it) Look—Whatever I was supposed to become, whatever that destiny was—It’s over. I’ll never fight on your side. I’ll never lead your kind.

Actually a bit surprised:

Tammi: You think I was with Yellow Eyes and his clan? (touched by his naiveté) You poor imbecile. No. Oh no. No, there’s more than one flag flying down in Hell. And more than one would-be king…

She beckons Sam, and he slides forward, closing the distance between them slowly as she speaks. We hear reverence gather in her voice—

Tammi: (almost gushing) See…There’s a new king, rising in the west. I serve that master. (self-deprecating laugh) Sounds goofy, right? I know what you mean. I get like that when I talk about him. Because he is a real leader. And he’s going to tear this world apart.

Sam: (icy promise) We’ll stop him. We’ll destroy you all.

Tammi: (Sam is too cute): He knows about you. (then goes cold) And frankly, he doesn’t want the competition.

She waves her hand, dismissive, and Sam sails back—slamming into the wall, hard. He falls to the floor, breathless, groggy. Tammi smiles.

Tammi: So buh-bye.

She’s about to coup-de-grace, when Demon-Tammi’s eyes narrow; she senses something and turns to see the last ‘person’ she would suspect:

Tammi: Ruby—?

Ruby stands there, aside Dean [shotgun in one hand, flask of Holy Water in the other]. Tammi waves her hand and Dean is sideswiped by force, sent into a wall.

Ruby raises her hands. Starts edging forward, all placation.

Ruby: Wait. Please. I just came to talk.

Demon-Tammi is crunching numbers—Ruby’s presence here is a legitimate curve ball. Why is she here?

Tammi: you made it out of the Gate? (Ruby nods) Impressive. That was a ***** of a fight, wasn’t it?

Ruby: Doors out of Hell only open for so long.

Tammi: You want to talk, how about I send you back to Hell, then call you in a few days?

Ruby takes a bold step forward, asking for mercy—Tammi moves in, black eyes staring deep into Ruby’s, to detect any hint of subterfuge.

Ruby: Astaroth, my master—(cuts to candid chase) Look I know I screwed you over. I was just hoping that a couple hundred years would put that behind us… I want you to take me back. Please.

As they circle each other, we feel all kinds of tension; some of it is sexual. Ruby turns to the boys.

Ruby: That’s why I brought you the Winchesters. As a gift.

Tammi: (interesting) Really.

Now in close quarters, with Tammi so focused on her eyes, Ruby slips a hand back to find the demon-killing knife tucked under Jacket—

Ruby: Let me serve you again. I’ve been lost. Wanting it. For so long…

Tammi: In a way, you were one of my best.

Then Ruby strikes, the knife flashing down at Tammi. Tammi grabs it by the blade, her blood searing against it.

Tammi: But then again, you always were a lying *****.

She tosses it away. Ruby hisses [a hint of CG makes her mouth scarier than human]. Tammi hisses back [same]—

They lunge at each other – it reads as almost super-fast, the way dueling rams can slam heads at 0-80 mph.

Tammi smashes her forehead into Ruby’s face, throwing her head back. Then she slams her back against the fireplace—!

Crack! Stone and mortar crumble under the impact. Tammi leans a shoulder into Ruby, hammering body blows into her ribs, each like a bowling ball dropped from a high-rise.

As the battle rages – We see Elizabeth back away, and run.

Pinned, Ruby hisses, lunges, sinks her teeth into Tammi’s neck and starts tearing at it like a wolf—

Tammi: (shrieks)

She swings Ruby off her, sends her sailing across the room—

Ruby smashes into the entertainment center.

Tammi picks up a fireplace poker, heads after her.

Battered, Ruby goes down on all fours. Tammi is on her, kicks her head.

The kick up-ends Ruby, lands her on her back.

Tammi: Oh my God you are such a loser. You’re telling me you really threw in your chips with Abbot and Costello here?

She stomps on Ruby’s throat. Crunch. Ruby gasps and gags. She can’t get up. Tammi helps her by hauling her up by her hair.

Tammi: That’s right. We’ve been here before, haven’t we? (catches Sam’s eye) She didn’t tell you? I guess it is shameful. (wrenches Ruby’s hair) She was one of mine. I signed her on a long, long time ago.

Tammi-Demon cranes in close, face to face, bottomless hatred iced over with suburban reserve:

Tammi: You were a witch. Weren’t you? You were a greasy meat-pig, just like them. (worst insult ever) You were human.

She tosses her back to the ground.

Tammi: Didn’t want you friends to know? That I seduced you, centuries back, just like this cud-chewing livestock here? (shrugs) Embarrassing, I guess. But don’t worry, love. No secrets where you’re heading, remember?

She crouches, lays a hand on Ruby’s face, and starts a wordless exorcism, drawing the demon from Ruby’s human form.

On Sam – barely conscious, but he sees Ruby’s dagger.

But then—Tammi coughs. Just a little one at first, but it’s the first involuntary anything Tammi-Demon’s ever experienced.

She rears back, looking a bit puzzled.

Then she coughs again. And again, finally coughing up a bloody straight-pin. She pulls it from her mouth, marveling.

Int. Renee’s House – Her Sanctum – Night

Elizabeth kneels before an altar, spell casting a feverish ritual, a pile of straight pins on the alter cloth.

Int. Renee’s House –Living Room – Night

Tammi wipes blood from her mouth, turns back to Ruby—

But Sam is there, beaten, bloodied wrath—

He drives Ruby’s knife up under Tammi’s ribs. She gasps and he stabs her again. Again. Again. She goes down, Sam on top of her, until the demon’s essence sparks and crackles into nothingness.

Dean watches in grim awe.

Sam rolls away from her, spent.

End Sides

Edited by Aisha81 - 5/10/2007, 08:30
view post Posted on 5/10/2007, 09:08

dai sides sembra un episodio MOLTO interessante

ruby non sembra così inutile, già solo perchè salva la vita di dean ;)
staremo a vedere :D

grazie spoilers seeker!
view post Posted on 5/10/2007, 11:22

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


CITAZIONE (Elerel @ 5/10/2007, 10:08)
dai sides sembra un episodio MOLTO interessante

ruby non sembra così inutile, già solo perchè salva la vita di dean ;)
staremo a vedere :D

grazie spoilers seeker!

Prego, Elerel! Si, anch'io ho subito notato il fatto che Ruby salvi la vita a Dean! :P
La missione spoiler continua... :ph34r:
view post Posted on 6/10/2007, 11:54

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


Ho trovato nuovi dettagli su questo episodio. E' una specie di sunto, non certo dei migliori, anzi!
Io mi sono limitata solo a tradurlo. :P
Beh, almeno sappiamo qualcosa in più ora...

Vediamo Amanda, di circa 30 anni, Elizabeth, di circa 20 anni, e suo marito in un vicinato. Amanda cucina a casa sua e lei vede delle mosche nel suo forno!
Sam e Dean parlano delle armi per cacciare le streghe.
Vediamo Renee e Tammi con suo marito. Più tardi Elizabeth dice loro che Amanda si è uccisa ed essi dicono che devono fermare il Circolo del Libro perché le persone stanno morendo.
Il loro potere funziona solo quando sono insieme e devono guadagnare così tante cose.
Iniziano a pronunciare incantesimi di fronte al Libro delle Ombre.
Sam e Dean avvicinano Elizabeth nel suo giardino, spacciandosi per gli investigatori Bachman e Turner. Sam le chiede notizie sull’adorazione del Diavolo che praticava Amanda. Elizabeth gli dice che Amanda era religiosa e Dean le dice che lei usava la Bibbia sbagliata! Elizabeth resta sconvolta e appaiono i suoi amici per aiutarla. I ragazzi vanno verso l’uscita e una forza demoniaca spinge Sam contro a un muro; lo ha fatto Tammi con i suoi occhi! Sam prova a parlare ma non riesce a farlo. Elizabeth chiede spiegazioni a Tammi e lei le parla del tempo in cui ha pregato il Maestro Astaroth per ottenere un potere maggiore.
Ci sono delle scene che sono state cancellate come quella in cui Dean giace insanguinato sul pavimento di una camera di un motel e Ruby lo solleva come se fosse un gattino per aiutarlo. Lei gli porge qualcosa da bere e Dean la spinge sul pavimento chiamandola bit**!
view post Posted on 6/10/2007, 20:53

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


Episode 3.9

Witch Hunt

Ext. Suburban Home—Day

Amanda, a thirty-something prim and plain-ishly cute chica, closes her car door, groceries in tow as she hurries up the drive. Her neighbor Elizabeth, an attractive girl in her late twenties, is outside tending to her lawn while her husband replaces a lawn mower blade in the close background. Elizabeth looks up and see Amanda, calling out her name to get the woman’s attention.

Amanda keeps moving up the drive, totally oblivious and in her own little world. It isn’t until Elizabeth calls her name out loudly that Amanda stops and gives a nervous laugh, explaining that she’s got a thousand things on her mind.

She tries to keep moving but Elizabeth presses, concern in her voice. She asks if Amanda is okay because she didn’t come to the Book Club last night. Amanda gives an apologetic sigh and tells Elizabeth she was going to call, because she just needed some ‘me’ time. Amanda attempts to hurry off again, and reassures Elizabeth that she’s okay, really, she is.

Int. Amanda’s House—Day

Amanda enters, heading to the kitchen with a dark expression on her face. She’s focused and we notice a bandage on one of her hands and can hear the buzzing of flies. She moves to the oven, the door is open and flies buzz around it. She reaches into the oven and pulls out a platter with rotted half-chicken on it, surrounded by wilted garnish—the once fine meal is now way past its prime serving date.

Random Scene:

Dean asks Sam if its anther hex bag. Sam nods in agreement, and Dean continues inquiring if his brother thinks this is another hit, some kind of witch-on-witch violence. Sam nods again, looking at the hex bag and tells Dean that they are using the exact same weapon and that it sort of feels like in-fighting. Dean processes Sam’s statement and asks if Sam thinks they might have a coven on their hands.

Int. Renee’s House—Night

Close up shot of a coffee table as tea tray is laid out with three cups. The camera widens out and we see two upscale women Renee, thirty-something good looking suburban wife, and Tammi, a late twenties, blonde, pleasant but insipid. Renee sits back from the tea service she just laid out and both women’s eyes look to Renee’s husband who’s pocketing his wallet, phone and keys about to go out. He feels their look and trns to them with a hubby style chuckle.

He tells them he’s going and walks past them, kissing Renee’s head on the way out. He tells his wife that he’s not fooled by their Book Club, he knows what they do when he’s gone. It’s all dish and gossip. He opens the front door to see Elizabeth standing there, struggling to keep a fixed smile.

Elizabeth greet the husband, Ron is his name. Ron greats Elizabeth in return and then turns back to the ladies asking rhetorically when was the last time any of them actually brought a book. Renee and Tammi nod at Ron with empty, patient smiles before simultaneously telling him good night.

Elizabeth enters as he exits and closes the door behind her. Tammi and Renee visibly shift from easy evening to all business as Tammi hustles to the curtains, pulling them shut and Renee goes to the sideboard. Elizabeth watches their preparations, growing more and more upset.

She asks the women what they are going to do. The ladies seem to ignore her as Renee pulls out a large, ancient leather tome, a demonic symbol tattooed on its cover. Renee asks what can they do, and Tammi zips in by her, taking two candelabras and retreats back as Renee thanks her.

Elizabeth exclaims that Amanda killed herself, and the police just took her body away. She asks the women if they are just going to pretend it didn’t happen. Renee returns they loved Amanda, and Elizabeth knows that.

Elizabeth watches as they turn the coffee table into an altar---laying out cloth and artifacts and placing the book at its center. Renee states that they all knew Amanda was obsessive, unstable. Tammi agrees and Renee continues saying that Amanda’s obsession with Paul sent her over the brink—and she killed the man’s wife, didn’t she? Tammi chimes in that people don’t just spit out all their teeth all of a sudden.

Elizabeth shakes her head slowly, a tremble in her voice. She tells the group they have to stop the Book Club, it’s gone too far. Renee’s thin ‘everything happen for a reason’ smile is composed and unfaltering as she asks Elizabeth why should they, and tells the woman to think. Tammi states that they can’t stop.

Elizabeth argues that people are dying and Renee counters that Amanda killed herself. Yes, and she killed Janet Dutton, and that was awful, but that’s all over now. Everyone looks toward Elizabeth and Renee goes on to say that Elizabeth knew Amanda was a danger to other. To them. And she thinks they should be thankful Amanda was a problem that solved itself.

Renee pushes, eyes lit inspiration of the recent breakthrough when Elizabeth looks away. She tells Elizabeth they found it. The real power of positive thinking. The power of them working together—thinking about everything their affirmations have gotten us. Elizabeth’s husband’s promotion, the Hawaii trip she won, the new car. Or what about Renee herself, her home pottery business is taking off, and how could Elizabeth just want them to stop.

Elizabeth’s resolve is fading under Renee’s even keeled pressure. Renee asks if Elizabeth wants to stop, and Elizabeth realizes that she still craves the power they’ve found. Renee can tell and smiles warmly. Everything for their ceremony is now in place, and she nods, holding her hand out. She tells Elizabeth to come on, and Elizabeth takes her hand and kneels at the altar next to Renee.

All three of them join hands around the big book, and in unison chant to the Book of Shadows stating that they will serve it’s Master as it serves them.

Ext. Elizabeth’s House—Day

A garden trowel digs into the rich soil, turning up several worms as Elizabeth tends to her herb garden. As she continues to work, a pair of shadows fall over her. We hear Sam’s voice from off screen as he states that Elizabeth must have a green thumb.

Elizabeth looks up, squinting at the sun. Sam and Dean loom over her, back in their suits (got to love that). Sam elaborates by telling her she has to in order to get the herbs to grow out of season like that. There’s a beat, and Sam tells her he’s sorry, and introduces himself as Detective Bachman, and Dean as Detective Turner. They both flash badges.

Sam goes onto say that they are following up on Amanda Burn’s death, talking to the neighbors, that kind of thing. Elizabeth tries to hide her alarm but her thinly covered nerves are easily detected during the interview.

Elizabeth stumbles over her words and finally manages to ask/state that Amanda killed herself. Sam offers a maybe, and Dean is all business and as he fact-checks that Elizabeth was a friend of the deceased. She replies with a sure, and Dean asks if she was aware that Amanda was deeply involved in occult practices.

Elizabeth tries to hide her reaction and Sam continues where Dean left off revealing that Amanda’s house was littered with occult paraphernalia and it does appear like she took part in a form of Devil worship. Elizabeth argues that they are wrong because Amanda was Episcopalian. Dean counters that they are pretty sure that Amanda was using the wrong bible.

Elizabeth is frozen like a deer in headlights until Renee’s voice is heard off screen. Sam and Dean turn to see Renee and Tammi coming up behind them. The women move to flank Elizabeth, Renee practically shielding her from the boys as Elizabeth replies that she’s fine and introduces the ‘detectives’, telling Renee that they think Amanda was involved in ‘practices’.

Renee takes over the situation, and apologizes to the detectives, but states that Elizabeth is upset and this has been hard on her, on all of them to accept what Amanda did. Tammi mutters that you think you know a person and Dean returns that he guesses everyone has a few secrets. He pauses, then says that they understand what a shock something like this can be, he leaves a blank for Renee to fill in with her name and she does so.

She tells him that its Mrs. Renee Van Allen and asks if Dean needs her to spell it out. Dean returns that he’ll get by and thanks her. Tammi chimes in with her name and gives the boys a cheery hello. Dean thanks her and tells them that they will be in contact should they need more information.

Sam and Dean walk off and Tammi waves after them brightly.

Random Scene:

Sam is borderline talking to himself as he states that the coven is doing all this, and if they kill the coven they should break the spell. He heads for the door and Dean can barely call after him. He tells Sam no, because what if Ruby is telling the truth? What if there is a demon…Sam stalks out, he’s on a mission.

Ext. Rural Suburb Road—Night

The Impala roars down the road, Sam at the wheel. Sam’s eyes are locked on the road, jaw set.

Int. Renee’s House—Night

The door is kicked wide open, and Sam storms in, Colt up, and avenging rage and violent will fueling him on. Renee, Tammi, and Elizabeth look up from their altar, stunned. The Ceremony is underway and mid-ritual. Renee demands to know what Sam is doing and Sam aims the gun to Renee’s head as he strides forward, demanding that she let him go.

Renee is confused and tells Sam that he’s insane and to get out. Sam replies that if she knows about him, then she also knows about this gun—he cocks the Colt. He also says that she’s killing his brother—stop the spell or die.

Int. Motel Room—Night

Dean’s on the floor, hacking his life out. Blood is spattering into the carpet as footsteps approach from the outside. Dean struggles to look up, and blearly watched as its kicked off its hinges. Ruby marches in, eyes fierce and she grabs Dean, lifts him from the floor and slams him against the wall.

Dean gasps out and tells Ruby that if she wants to kill him—the bitch has to get in line. Ruby grabs Dean’s face, forces his jaw open and Dean gags and struggles as Ruby lifes up a small leather plagon and squeezes a thick amount of liquid hell into Dean’s mouth. Dean gurgles, forced to choke it down, then Ruby drops him to the floor as she tells Dean to stop calling her a bitch.

Int. Renee’s House—Night

Sam studies the panicking women. Elizabeth tells him they aren’t killing anybody. And Renee adds that they don’t even know his brother. Sam marches closer, gun up. He yells for the women to shut up. They know Dean so call the spell off.

The women start screaming and Tammi lifts up two clutched handfuls of banking documents, shakes them up at Sam. She tells him not to kill them, they are just trying to get Renee a lower mortgage rate.

Int. Motel Room—Night

Dean is slowly recovering, barely managing to get up on one knee. He drags a sleeve across his mouth and watches as Ruby rifles through one of their duffle bags. She tells Dean that next time he points that gun at her, she’s not going to just disappear. Dean croaks out that it’s a date and staggers to his feet, still coughing a bit as he tries to get the taste of whatever the hell Ruby dumped down his throat, realizing in distaste that she saved his life.

Ruby tells him not to mention it, and when Dean ask how, she merely shoves one of their shotguns into his hands. She informs Dean that she knows a thing or two about witchcraft and then turns and walks out. Dean’s still weak but follows her out the room—its been a long night.

Int. Renee’s house—Night

The women’s protests are sincere, and Sam nods, teeth grit. He agrees that maybe it isn’t Renee or Elizabeth. But he swings the gun over to Tammi and states that maybe its her. Tammi now cries at Sam’s gun point, convincingly a mix of fear and confusion. She says that she doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Sam states that everyone in the coven all have had runs of good, news worthy fortune. Everyone—except Tammi. And why is that? Didn’t she want anything for herself? Or was she already getting what she wanted---these women’s souls?

Tammi gives the quivering human about to die one more shot as she stammers through sobs but when Sam shakes his head in certainty, Tammi knows he ain’t buying it and she sighs, eyes turning black.

She tells Sam he did some good work. Sam orders her to let his brother go, and Tammi gives him a compassionate look but tells Sam that she’s sorry, but Dean’s lungs have got to be on the floor by now.

With a slight nod, Sam fires the Colt. The bullets screams through the air, its target Tammi’s head, but she raises her hand and the bullet freezes in mid-air. Demon!Tammi smiles as she tells Sam he’s in a lot of trouble.

Int. Renee’s House—Night

Tammi nods and Sam sails back, pressed against a wall by a wave of demonic force, arms and legs pinned by it. (Okay so what’s this? Four times for Sammy? lol) Elizabeth and Renee are freaking out and Elizabeth asks Tammi what’s wrong with her, and her eyes…

Renee gets up, the last remnants of her type A personality still trying to rule over the situation. She orders Tammi to stop, to which Tammi tells her to shut her pie hole. Tammi turns away, and Renee grabs her shoulder and tells Tammi she won’t and definitely not in her house will Tammi Benton do this kind of thing. Tammi ain’t all to thrilled with Renee’s touch seeing as demon!Tammi has had to spend months in the same vicinity as her.

Renee continues saying that she won’t tolerate this and with a sigh, Tammi raises her hands, doing a casual pantomime twisting action. Renee’s head spins backward with a crack and she drops like a bag of bricks.

Elizabeth screams and Sam struggles against demon!Tammi’s TK hold, its no use, the boy can’t even speak. Elizabeth is hysterically shrieking and sobbing and Tammi turns to her, shushing her and telling Elizabeth not to make her do it again. It being neck-cracking drop dead action, I’m sure.

Elizabeth asks who Tammi is and Tammi chuckles and says it’s a funny story actually. She asks if Elizabeth remembers praying to the Master—to Astaroth? When they asked him for power, and influence and swore their servitude. There’s a beat, then Tammi asks just who does Elizabeth think Astaroth is?

Elizabeth is sobbing in terror, and Tammi presses, taunting as she inquires if Elizabeth thought this was make-believe, just hocus pocus. She tells Elizabeth that she sold herself, and all Demon!Tammi had to do was bring one good book to the Book Club and the ladies just lined up to kiss her ass and use her power.

Elizabeth pleads weakly, and says that they didn’t know. Tammi snarls and counters that they did know. They knew it was wrong, every step of the way, and now their souls are hers. Tammi turns to Sam and brightly asks if he has any comments, or questions. She makes a small gesture freeing Sam to speak, although he’s still frozen a foot or two off the ground.

Sam states that he’s going to kill her. Tammi is amused and ask Sam, him and what army? Sam struggles but its to no point, and Tammi goes on saying that wow, Sam Winchester right here in their little town, and how a lot of her friends have been looking for him.

Sam’s fed up and tells Tammi that whatever he was supposed to become, whatever the destiny was, it’s over. He’s never going to fight on her side, and he’ll never lead them either.

Tammi is a bit surprised and asks if Sam thinks she was with the YED and his clan. She calls Sam a poor imbecile because oh no. There’s more than one flag flying down in Hell. And more than one would-be king…She beckons Sam and he slides forward, closing the distance between them.

There’s reverence in her voice as she continues. She tells Sam that there’s a new king, rising in the west. And she serves that master. She laughs and says that while it sounds goofy, but she gets like that when she talks about him because he is the real leader that is going to tear this world apart.

Sam icily promises that they are going to stop him—they are going to destroy all of them. Tammi is un-phased and tells Sam that this new leader knows about him, and frankly doesn’t want the competition.

She waves her hand, dismissing and Sam sails back, slamming into the wall hard. He falls to the floor, breathless and groggy. Tammi smiles and tells him goodbye.

Tammi is all set to drop to the kill, but her eyes narrow as she senses something behind her and turns to see the last ‘person’ she should suspect. Its Ruby, standing to the side of Dean, shotgun in one hand, holy water in the other. Tammi waves her hand and Dean is sidewiped by force, and sent into the wall.

Ruby raises her hands, edging forward and tells Tammi that she just came to talk. Demon!Tammi asks rhetoricaly if Ruby made it out the gate, and when Ruby nods, she tells her that’s impressive…and comments that it was a bitch of a fight, now, wasn’t it?

Ruby agrees and says that the doors of Hell only open for so long. Tammi says that if Ruby wants to talk, she could just send her back to Hell and then call her in a few days. Ruby takes a bold step forward, asking for mercy, Tammi moves in, black eyes staring deep into Ruby’s searching for possible betrayal.

Ruby greets Astaroth, calling her master, and says that she knows she screwed Astaroth over, but she was hoping a couple hundred years would put that behind them. She wants to be taken back…please.

As they circle each other, tension is evident. Ruby turns to the boys and states that’s why she brought her the Winchesters—as a gift. Tammi is interestingly impressed. Now that they are in close quarters with Tammi focused on her eyes, Ruby slips a hand back to find the Demon-killing knife tucked under her jacket.

She tells Tammi to let her serve again, she’s been so lost—and has only wanted it for so long. Tammi states that in a way, Ruby was one of her best. Then, Ruby strikes, the knife flashing down at Tammi.

Tammi grabs the knife by the blade, her blood searing against it. She then states that then again, Ruby always was a lying whore. Tammi tosses the knife a way. Ruby hisses, and Tammi hisses right back as they lunge at each other—supernaturally fast.

Tammi smashes her forehead into Ruby’s face, throwing her head back, then slams her back against the fireplace. There’s a loud crack as the stone crumbles under the impact. Tammi leans a shoulder into Ruby, hammering body blows into her ribs. As the battle rages, we see Elizabeth back away and run.

Pinned, Ruby hisses, lunges and sinks her teeth into Tammi’s neck and starts tearing into it. Tammi shrieks and she swings Ruby off her, sending her sailing across the room. Ruby smashes into the entertainment center and Tammi picks up a fireplace poker, heading straight for her.

Battered, Ruby goes down on all fours and Tammi kicks her in the head. Ruby lands on her back and Tammi says that she is a loser, considering that Ruby threw in her chips with Abbot and Costello. Tammi stops on Ruby’s throat, as Ruby gasps and gags, and Tammi hauls her up by her hair.

She tells Ruby that they been here before, and catches Sam’s eye asking why she didn’t tell him, but then again she guesses its shameful seeing as Ruby was one of hers a long long time ago. Ruby was a witch, a greasy pig just like them, ‘human’.

Tammi tosses her back to the ground and taunts that Ruby didn’t want her ‘friends’ to know…that she was seduced. Centuries back. Demon!Tammi shrugs and states that she guesses its embarrassing. But tells Ruby not to worry, there’s no secrets where she’s headed.

Tammi crouches, lays a hand on Ruby’s face and starts a wordless exorcism, drawing the demon from Ruby’s human form.

Sam’s barely conscious, but sees Ruby’s dagger, but then Tammi coughs, just a little one at first, but it’s the first involuntary anything the demon!Tammi has ever done. She rears back, looking puzzled and then coughs again. Again and again, finally coughing up a bloody straight pin. She pulls it form her mouth—stunned.

Int. Renee’s House—Her Sanctum—Night

Elizabeth kneels before an altar, spell casting a feverish ritual, a pile of straight pins on the altar cloth.

Int. Renee’s house—Living Room—Night

Tammi half-smiles, almost impressed. Then she snaps her fingers.

Int. Renees’ House—Her Sanctum—Night

Mid-chant, Elizabeth simply falls back, dead, and eyes wide.

Int. Renee’s house—Living Room—Night

Tammi wipes blood from her mouth and turns back to Ruby---but Sam is there, beaten and bloody. He drives Ruby’s knife under Tammi’s ribs. She gasps and he stabs her again, and again, and again. She goes down. Sam on top of her, until the demon’s essence sparks and crackles into nothingness.

Dean watches the exchange grimly as Sam rolls away, spent.

Fonte: Supernaturaltv

view post Posted on 7/10/2007, 08:50

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)


Ho dato una lettura più approfondita a questo sunto...
L'unica cosa che voglio dire è questa: WOW!
In questa puntata verrà fuori che Ruby, un tempo, era una strega che aveva ceduto al Male, vendendogli la sua anima e finendo, poi, all'Inferno. Dopo l'apertura del portale dell'Inferno, è scappata in cerca di vendetta per quello che ha subito. Verrà anche fuori una cosa interessante: anche lei era una seguace del signore Astaroth, lo stesso essere demoniaco che verrà evocato in questa puntata da Elizabeth, Renee e Tammi. Le prime due sono delle poverette ignare della reale finalità dell'uso delle arti magiche che Tammi propina loro. Infatti, scopriremo che Tammi è una sorta di emissario di questo dio Astaroth che ha il compito di evocarlo per accrescere il suo potere a discapito di Elizabeth e Renee, vittime inconsapevoli del piano demoniaco di Tammi che faranno una brutta fine. Scopriranno, infatti, di aver venduto inconsapevolmente le loro anime al Male e, purtroppo, moriranno...
In questa puntata verrà anche riconfermato che Sam è molto famoso e ricercato dai demoni... :huh:
Tammi confermerà a Sam che all'Inferno non esisteva solo il 'clan' dello YED ma ci sono molti clan, ognuno dei quali tenta di predominare sugli altri con un proprio re... La donna, sembra alludere al fatto che Sam possa diventare il re di qualche gruppo... :o:
Un dettaglio importante è che Tammi sarà uccisa da Sam che le guiderà contro il famoso coltello di Ruby con una violenza inaudita, lasciando il povero Dean senza parole... :o:
Beh, se la lettura di questo sunto è stata così interessante e piena di sorprese, figuriamoci come sarà la puntata! :lol:
view post Posted on 7/10/2007, 16:02

penso proprio che avremo un evil sam in questo episodio

si sta compiacendo di uccidere ed essere cattivo
view post Posted on 10/10/2007, 00:20

casting :D

SUPERNATURAL, "Malleus Maleficarum" (Re-Release Of Two Roles)
Episode 3.09
Written By: Ben Edlund
Directed by: Robert Singer

In her late 20s, sexy (the sexiest of the three), an affable but vapid woman who is a member of a trio of suburban "kitchen witches." Apparently the most innocuous member of the trio, Tammi in fact is a full-fledged demon, who has taken human shape in order to help prepare the way for a new King Demon...LEAD (17) MUST HAVE STRONG COMEDY SKILLS! PLEASE SUBMIT ALL ETHNICITIES.

An attractive woman in her late 30s, Elizabeth is the third member of the "kitchen witches." The most likable of the three members. Elizabeth is a little dim -- but she realizes that her coven's behavior has gotten strangely out of control...LEAD (9) MUST HAVE STRONG COMEDY SKILLS! PLEASE SUBMIT ALL ETHNICITIES.
view post Posted on 11/10/2007, 09:35

Cavolo!! che sunto interessante!!! sam che sta cominciando a diventare cattivello...il mio povero sam...nooooo!!! :sigh:
view post Posted on 14/10/2007, 20:41

Just mine

Dam Fans
Lawrence (Kansas)



Un gruppo di vicine, formato da Tammi, Elizabeth e Renee, sono streghe e tengono degli incontri segreti. Quando, per supposizione, una certa Amanda uccide la moglie di un uomo dal quale era ossessionata per, poi, suicidarsi, il gruppo continua a riunirsi. Sam e Dean vanno a casa di Elizabeth, presentandosi come degli investigatori della Polizia e la interrogano sulla morte di Amanda. I due le dicono che Amanda era coinvolta in pratiche occulte e la donna appare sconvolta. I ragazzi capiscono che Tammi è un demone. La donna fa un incantesimo su Dean per ucciderlo lentamente. Quando Sam si presenta alla loro riunione per costringerle ad annullare l'incantesimo, Tammi blocca Sam contro a un muro con una forza demoniaca e uccide una delle donne, spezzandole il collo con la forza della sua mente. Ruby salva la vita a Dean, facendogli bere un liquido terribile e poi sorprende loro (Sam e Dean) con la sua connessione al demone Tammi.

Edited by Aisha81 - 14/10/2007, 22:02
view post Posted on 14/10/2007, 21:55

ruby torna ad avere una importanza rilevante in questo episodio

dobbiamo scoprire se è tra i "buoni" o tra i "cattivi"
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